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Did You Know: Topping the 2023 Charts in Poland

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Continuing our review of 2023, did you know that a total of twelve lawyers worked on seven or more reported client matters in Poland in 2023 – a step up from the ten lawyers who worked on that many in 2022? The 2023 partner leaderboard was led by Tomasz Rogalski of Norton Rose Fulbright, who worked on a market-leading 15. Clifford Chance’s Andrzej Stosio, whose 11 reported deals in 2022 led the market, repeated that number in 2023, tying him for second place with White & Case’s Marcin Studniarek.

According to the Activity Rankings function of the CEELMDirect website, Gessel’s Krzysztof Marczuk and Gide’s Pawel Grzeskowiak tied for fourth place by working on nine reported client matters in 2023. White & Case’s Bartosz Smardzewski, Greenberg Traurig’s Rafal Sienski, and SSK&W’s Szymon Syp all worked on eight reported deals in 2023, and Norton Rose’s Grzegorz Dyczkowski, Rymarz Zdort Maruta’s Iwona Her, WKB’s Jakub Jedrzejak, and DWF’s Rafal Wozniak all worked on seven.

Did you also know that 11 firms worked on 20 or more reported client matters in Poland in 2023, compared to only ten the year before? Clifford Chance – after leading the Polish leaderboard in 2022 with a total of 41 reported client matters – topped the board in 2023 as well by working on 40.

Dentons, which worked on 37 reported client matters in 2023, was close behind, with Greenberg Traurig (30), Gessel (29), and Norton Rose Fulbright (26) taking third, fourth, and fifth place, respectively. CMS worked on 23 reported deals, while Allen & Overy, Rymarz Zdort Maruta, and White & Case all worked on 22. DLA worked on 21 reported deals, and Wardynski & Partners worked on 20.

Want to see which client matters these lawyers and firms worked on, or what other lawyers worked on multiple deals last year – in Poland or any other CEE market? Visit the Activity Rankings section of the CEELMDirect website – the world’s only truly dynamic legal directory – and find out for yourself!

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Dentons is the world's largest law firm, connecting talent to the world's challenges and opportunities in more than 75 countries. Dentons' legal and business solutions benefit from deep roots in our communities and award-winning advancements in client service, including Nextlaw, Dentons’ innovation and strategic advisory services. Dentons' polycentric and purpose-driven approach, commitment to inclusion and diversity, and world-class talent challenge the status quo to advance client and community interests in the New Dynamic.

Dentons is one of the leading law firms in CEE/CIS, with offices in Warsaw, Prague, Budapest, Moscow, Bucharest, Bratislava, Kyiv, Baku, Almaty, Astana, Tbilisi and Tashkent. With a legacy of supporting local and international clients in Central and Eastern Europe since the early 1990s, we have the experience and market insight to help clients close deals, resolve disputes and do business in the key markets across the region.

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