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Croatia ranks third among European Union countries in terms of home ownership, with a significant 91% of Croatians residing in real properties they either own or are owned by a household member. Typically, Croatians primarily use these owned residential properties for personal residential purposes. However, residential real property ownership is also regarded as a lucrative investment avenue. Individuals and companies often invest in real properties, either residential or commercial, on a buy-to-let model. In recent years, a hybrid model of aparthotels arose on the Adriatic coast, in the spatial zones designated for tourism industry. The model allows private investors to own a condominium unit in the tourism zone, utilising it for a specific period annually while deriving profit from its commercial use for the remaining period.

Ellex has advised issuer Capitalica Z114 Real Estate Fund on the preparation and approval process with the Bank of Lithuania for the prospectus underpinning its EUR 20 million bond issuance, with up to EUR 17.6 million in bonds secured with a real estate collateral to be publicly offered in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

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