A new law amending certain acts concerning the functions of the Minister of Agriculture amended a number of agricultural acts as of 1 July 2023, including Act on the Protection of Agricultural Land.
New Proposal of the Law on the Management of Enterprises Owned by the Republic of Serbia
On 03 August 2023, the Government of the Republic of Serbia passed on a new Proposal of the Law on the Management of Companies Owned by the Republic of Serbia (hereinafter referred to as: "Proposal").
Liberalization of Rules for Residency and Work of Foreigners in the Republic of Serbia
Amendments to the Law on Foreigners (Official Gazette of RS no. 24/2018, 31/2019 and 62/2023) and the Law on Employment of Foreigners (Official Gazette of RS no. 128/2014, 113/2017, 50/2018, 31/2019 and 62/2023) (“the Laws”) were published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 62/2023 of July 27, 2023, and entered into force on August 4, 2023.
Three Things That Are Good to Know About Employing Third-Country Nationals in Hungary
With the hiring of third-country nationals becoming ever more prevalent on the Hungarian job market in recent years, the number of problematic employment cases is on the rise.
Bulgaria Soon to Adopt an FDI Screening Regime
Bulgaria is among a minority of EU countries that have not yet adopted a foreign direct investment (FDI) screening regime. This is about to change with the introduction in late June of a bill on the amendment of the Investment Promotion Act, implementing the screening mechanism under Regulation (EU) 2019/452.
The Long-Awaited Amendments of the Law on Foreigners and Law on Employment of Foreigners
The Serbian National Assembly adopted amendments to two key laws regulating the immigration status of foreigners in the Republic of Serbia – the Law on Foreigners and the Law on Employment of Foreigners.
The Constitutional Court Declared the State-Building Law Unconstitutional
On 19 July 2023, the Constitutional Court established that certain provisions of the act on public construction investments are unconstitutional, therefore it cannot enter into force as planned on 1 August 2023.
Promissory Note Litigation in Hungary – A Fast-Track Recovery Regime
In business life parties often use promissory notes to secure transactions since these instruments allow creditors to get back their money rapidly and easily. What special regime applies to promissory note litigations in Hungary? This article summarises the Hungarian promissory note litigation regime.
Leveraging Intellectual Property: Unraveling the Success Story of Barbie’s Brand Evolution
Since the release of the Barbie movie, there’s been an unmistakable global buzz. Beyond film, it has driven sales across a spectrum of Barbie merchandise, from costumes and makeup to beverages and even a rentable Barbie dreamhouse. The success of the Barbie movie, dolls, and brand hinges on Mattel’s very prudent approach to protecting their intellectual property rights.
Fines for Breaches of Cookies Regulations Amounting to Almost CZK 4.5 Million
Since the beginning of this year, the Personal Data Protection Office has issued fines of almost CZK 4,500,000 for breaches of the GDPR in connection with the processing of personal data via cookies.
Proposal of Amendments to the Law on Citizenship
In May 2023 the Government of the Republic of Serbia submitted the official Proposal of the Law on Amendments of the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia (the Proposal), which is currently in the process of deliberation within the National Assembly.
Implementation of the EU Directives on Work-Life Balance and on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions: Poland
The EU Directives on Work-life balance and on Transparent and predictable working conditions were introduced into the Polish national legislation on 26 April 2023 and brought about significant changes and obligations for the employers. What do they mean for businesses?
Amendments of the Set of Laws Related to Construction
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted several proposed laws related to construction during its session on 26 July 2023.
Tax Package in Hungary – A Summary of the Main Changes
The 2024 tax package bill accepted by the Hungarian Parliament on 4 July 2023, brings changes in various areas.
ESMA’s Public Statement on ESG in Prospectuses
On 11 July 2023, the European Securities and Markets Authority (“ESMA”) published a public statement (“ESMA Statement”) regarding sustainability-related disclosure requirements in prospectuses for both equity and non-equity securities.
Amendments to the Law on Foreigners and Law on Employment of Foreigners
The new amendments to the law on foreigners and the law on the employment of foreigners, which will apply from 1 February 2024 ("Amendments"), significantly simplify and shorten the procedure for employment of foreign citizens in the Republic of Serbia and contribute to increased efficiency of the procedure, which will allow foreigners to be employed in the Republic of Serbia in a very short period of time.
Czech Republic: The Whistleblowing Act Finally in Effect
Although the deadline for transposing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (the Whistleblowing Directive) into national law passed on 17 December 2021, the Czech Republic has been among those Member States struggling to adopt a corresponding act into local legislation. Nonetheless, after turbulent discussions and legislative proposals, the bill has finally been passed and came into force on 1 August 2023.
New Law on Electronic Communications in Serbia has Entered into Force
The new Law on Electronic Communications, published on April 29, 2023, in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 35/23, went into force on May 7, 2023. With the entry into force of the new law, the previous Law on Electronic Communications ceases to be valid (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, nos. 44/2010, 60/2013, 62/2014 and 95/2018) except for certain provisions related to the secrecy of electronic communications, legal interception, and retention of data, as well as other specific provisions that will be valid until the adoption of by-laws prescribed by the new Law on Electronic Communications.