Wardynski & Partners has advised Infinitas Learning on its acquisition of Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne. Gide advised the Central Group, the main shareholder of WSiP, on the sale.
SK&S Advises Straumann Holding on Acquisition of Schmidt Dental
Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak has advised Straumann Holding on its acquisition of Schmidt Dental from Oliver Schmidt. Burzak Okon and Partners reportedly advised Schmidt on the sale.
MFW Fialek Advises XBS on Refinancing and Loan from mBank
MFW Fialek has advised entities belonging to the XBS Group in obtaining an investment loan from mBank.
Clifford Chance Advises Bank Millennium on Synthetic Securitisation of PLN 7.2 Billion Portfolio
Clifford Chance has advised Bank Millennium on the synthetic securitization transaction for a portfolio of unsecured non-mortgage loans with a total value of PLN 7.2 billion. Allen & Overy reportedly advised organizer and issue agent UniCredit Bank AG.
Jasinski Advises Nauta Shiprepair Yard on Acquisition of Gdynia Dry Dock from Industrial Development Agency
Jasinski has advised the Nauta Shiprepair Yard on its acquisition of a dry dock from Poland's Industrial Development Agency.
Schoenherr Appoints Seven New Partners in Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia
Poland's Weronika Kapica and Daria Rutecka, Romania's Adina Damaschin and Mara Moga-Paler, Serbia's Zoran Soljaga, Slovakia's Michal Lucivjansky, and Slovenia's Peter Gorse have all been appointed to Partner positions with Schoenherr.
Did You Know: Topping the 2023 Charts in Poland
Continuing our review of 2023, did you know that a total of twelve lawyers worked on seven or more reported client matters in Poland in 2023 – a step up from the ten lawyers who worked on that many in 2022? The 2023 partner leaderboard was led by Tomasz Rogalski of Norton Rose Fulbright, who worked on a market-leading 15. Clifford Chance’s Andrzej Stosio, whose 11 reported deals in 2022 led the market, repeated that number in 2023, tying him for second place with White & Case’s Marcin Studniarek.
WKB Advises Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica 2 on Cable Line Connection
WKB Lawyers has advised Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica 2 – investors in the Baltica 2 Offshore Wind Farm – on the contract for the development of the farm's onshore connection with cable lines.
Norton Rose Fulbright Advises Lenders on Facility Increase and Extension for Pfleiderer Polska Group
Norton Rose Fulbright has advised the lenders on the increase and extension of a multi-currency revolving credit facility for Pfleiderer Polska Group members. Rymarz Zdort Maruta reportedly advised the Pfleiderer Polska Group.
Dentons Advises Santander Bank Polska and BNP Paribas Bank Polska on Financing Nowel Development
Dentons has advised Santander Bank Polska and BNP Paribas Bank Polska on granting a PLN 408 million financing to Nowel. Clifford Chance reportedly advised Nowel.
Dentons Advises on PLN 335 Million Financing for Nozdrzec Wind Farm
Dentons has advised sponsor Yevulei Shemesh Renewable Energy Group the PLN 335 million financing extended by mBank and the EBRD for the construction and operation of a 48-megawatt onshore wind farm in south-eastern Poland.
How will DORA affect ICT providers?
Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on digital operational resilience for the financial sector and amending Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009, (EU) No 648/2012, (EU) No 600/2014, (EU) No 909/2014 and (EU) 2016/1011 (“DORA”) contains a number of requirements for ICT service providers, which will become binding on January 17, 2025. Therefore, 2024 will be a year of intensive work on the part of service providers to ensure compliance with the new, demanding regulation.
Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners Launches New Digital Services Practice
Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners has announced it is launching a new Digital Services practice.
DLA Piper and Marszalek & Partnerzy Advise on Corsair Capital Acquisition of MJM Holdings
DLA Piper, working with Slaughter and May, has advised Corsair Capital on the acquisition of MJM Holdings and the related financing. Marszalek & Partnerzy, working with sole practitioner Szymon Skiendzielewski, advised the MJM Holdings shareholders.
Wolf Theiss, BCGL, and D&B David and Baias Advise on Symfonia Acquisition of Romania's Softeh Plus
Wolf Theiss and Balicki Czekanski Gryglewski Lewczuk have advised MidEuropa Partners and Accel-KKR portfolio company Symfonia on its acquisition of Softeh Plus. PwC Legal Romanian affiliate D&B David and Baias advised the shareholders of the Romanian software company.
Slawomir Kowalski Joins Daniel Jastrun in Founding JustLaw in Warsaw
Former Maruta Wachta Partners Daniel Jastrun and Slawomir Kowalski have teamed up to launch their new boutique law firm specializing in the digital sector in Warsaw: JustLaw Jastrun Kowalski.
MFW Fialek Advises Play on Acquisition of Phobos Grupa Taurus
MFW Fialek has advised the Play Group on its acquisition of the Phobos Grupa Taurus IT&C company.
SKJB and Greenberg Traurig Advise on Lease Agreement in Varso Tower
SKJB Szybkowski Kuzma Jelen Brzoza-Ostrowska has advised a Polish HB Reavis subsidiary on the 1,500-square-meter lease agreement with tenant Atlas Ward Polska for space in the Varso Tower in Warsaw. Greenberg Traurig advised Atlas Ward.