SK&S Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak has advised Velocity Clinical Research on its acquisition of ClinMedica Research. Loewen Kaczmarek Zawadowski advised Deo Family Fundacja Rodzinna on the sale.
Glatzova & Co Advises on Sale of Jarident and Janouch Dental to Nuent Group
Glatzova & Co has advised the shareholders of Jarident and Janouch Dental on the sale of the companies to the Nuent Group.
KSB Advises on Sale of Anesan
Kocian Solc Balastik has advised the owners of Anesan on its sale to Penta Hospitals. The Evan law firm reportedly advised Penta Hospitals.
Prague Alert - Amendment to the Medicines Act
Dear readers, during the New Year's rush, it may have escaped your attention that on 29 December, the Amendment to the Medicines Act was published in the Collection of Laws, in volume 203 under number 456/2023 Coll. Barring one exception, which we discuss below, the amendment already went into effect on 1 January 2024.
Walless Advises Med Grupe on Sale of Distribution Business to Straumann
Walless has advised the Med Grupe shareholders on the sale of their pan-Baltic dental equipment distribution business to Straumann. Sorainen reportedly advised the Straumann Group.
Have Medicine Shortages in the Czech Republic Been Resolved? Yes and No.
A long-awaited amendment to the Czech Medicines Act came into force on 1 January 2024. What practical impact will it have?
SK&S Advises Straumann Holding on Acquisition of Schmidt Dental
Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak has advised Straumann Holding on its acquisition of Schmidt Dental from Oliver Schmidt. Burzak Okon and Partners reportedly advised Schmidt on the sale.