Merger control clearance is a key issue in planning and implementing larger M&A deals due to the standstill obligation established by Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (EUMR) and most national competition laws within the EU. If the EUMR is applicable to a transaction, a one-stop-shop system is granted where the Commission has exclusive jurisdiction for merger clearance and the merger clearance regimes of Member States are disregarded.
The Hague Judgments Convention Entered Into Force in September 2023 in Hungary
The Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters (“Convention”) entered into force on 1st September 2023 in all EU countries (except Denmark). What impact will the Convention have in relation to the enforcement of third country judgments in Hungary and the enforcement of Hungarian judgments in third countries?
Oppenheim Advises Colliers on New Headquarters Lease in Budapest's Bem Center
Oppenheim has advised Colliers on the lease agreement for its new Budapest headquarters in the Bem Center building located in the city's first district.
Dora Zombori Joins Dentons as Partner in Budapest
Dora Zombori has joined Dentons’ Budapest office as a Partner, to strengthen the firm's Energy and Government Affairs practice.
Stolen Time – He Who Gains Time, Gains Everything
The Government Decree on the winter administrative break is out. Here’s what to expect.
Can the Employer Expand the Employees' Duties Without Changing the Job Description in Hungary?
The position and tasks of the employee are one of the key elements of the employment contract and are typically recorded in the job description. It is often a matter of dispute between the parties whether the employer can unilaterally modify the job description at all, and if so, to what extent. In a recent court decision, a Hungarian appellate court addressed the above question in a situation where the employer supplemented the employee's tasks with new tasks similar to his existing tasks. In this article, we analyse the recent decision on this matter.
The Four-Day Working Week – A Genuine Possibility or Just a Passing Whim?
From time to time, there’s news of companies introducing four-day work week. Magyar Telekom has been mentioned several times as the first big fish to do so, but Libri, too, has apparently done the same, as have various local subsidiaries of foreign parent companies. The obvious question is whether this option is available to everyone and, if so, at what price.
The Rules of the Withdrawal of Lands from Agricultural Use Have Changed
A new law amending certain acts concerning the functions of the Minister of Agriculture amended a number of agricultural acts as of 1 July 2023, including Act on the Protection of Agricultural Land.
Three Things That Are Good to Know About Employing Third-Country Nationals in Hungary
With the hiring of third-country nationals becoming ever more prevalent on the Hungarian job market in recent years, the number of problematic employment cases is on the rise.
The Constitutional Court Declared the State-Building Law Unconstitutional
On 19 July 2023, the Constitutional Court established that certain provisions of the act on public construction investments are unconstitutional, therefore it cannot enter into force as planned on 1 August 2023.
Promissory Note Litigation in Hungary – A Fast-Track Recovery Regime
In business life parties often use promissory notes to secure transactions since these instruments allow creditors to get back their money rapidly and easily. What special regime applies to promissory note litigations in Hungary? This article summarises the Hungarian promissory note litigation regime.
Kapolyi, Lendvai and Partners, and Moore Legal Advise on AutoWallis Acquisition of ShareNow Hungary
Kapolyi and Lendvai and Partners have advised AutoWallis on the acquisition of ShareNow Hungary. Kapolyi also advised the buyer's major shareholder, Wallis Asset Management. Moore Legal advised Wallis Automegoszto's shareholder Szechenyi Tokealap-Kezelo.
Tax Package in Hungary – A Summary of the Main Changes
The 2024 tax package bill accepted by the Hungarian Parliament on 4 July 2023, brings changes in various areas.
Green Loans May Be Hungary's Path to Sustainable Financing
In the world of finance, the rise of environmental, social and governance considerations has compelled bankers, investment professionals and banking and finance lawyers to reevaluate their mindset.
Schoenherr, White & Case, and Karanovic Advise on E& Acquisition of PPF Telecom Bulgarian, Hungarian, Serbian, and Slovakian Assets
Schoenherr, working with Sullivan & Cromwell, has advised the Emirates Telecommunications Group Company – operating as E& – on its acquisition of a 50%-plus-one-share stake in PPF Telecom Group's assets in Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, and Slovakia. White & Case and Karanovic & Partners advised the PPF Group on the up to EUR 2.5 billion sale and the setup of a joint venture with E&.
Major Legislative Changes in Hungary's Pharma and Food Industry
Significant legal changes occurred in the Hungarian pharmaceutical and food industry in the summer of 2023. According to Government Decree No. 333/2023. (VII. 20.), as of 1 August 2023, the National Public Health Centre (NNK) and the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYÉI) merged, establishing a new authority, the National Centre for Public Health and Pharmacy (Nemzeti Nepegeszsegugyi es Gyogyszereszeti Kozpont, NNGYK).
PHH and Dentons Advise Kommunalkredit on EUR 37.5 Million Financing for 63-Megawatt PV Plant in Hungary
PHH and Dentons have advised Kommunalkredit on a EUR 37.5 million financing for the 63-megawatt Senyo photovoltaic plant in Hungary. CMS reportedly advised the project's commissioners, Green Source and Core Value Capital.
Is Criticising a Superior a Lawful Ground for Dismissal in Hungary?
It is not uncommon for an employee to disagree with and criticise his superior. In this case the fundamental right to freedom of expression of the employee competes with his obligation to co-operate with his colleagues. Further, there are cases where the criticism by the employee is not protected by the freedom of expression and may be ground for dismissal, as shown by a fresh decision of the Hungarian Supreme Court analysed in this short article.