Estonian law firm Lextal, Latvian law firm RER Lextal, and Lithuanian law firm ILAW Lextal have unveiled their new name and identity: Widen, "a Baltic law firm that sees itself as the Legal Jazz Company."
Competition Laws and Regulations in Lithuania
Contributed by Ilaw Lextal.
Mindaugas Vaiciunas Joins Ilaw Lextal
Family law specialist Mindaugas Vaiciunas has joined Ilaw Lextal as an Associate Partner.
Lextal Advises Dasos Capital on Forest Portfolio Sale
Lextal, working alongside Finnish Dittmar & Indrenius, has advised Dasos Capital on its sale of a forest asset portfolio to Ingka Investments.
Finnish Court’s Resolution Stating that Wolt Couriers Are Entrepreneurs is Getting Positive Attention in Estonia as Well
Finnish Hameenlinna Administrative Court made a historic resolution on 22.02.2024, in which it found that Wolt couriers are entrepreneurs, not employees. The question of whether platform employees are independent entrepreneurs or salaried employees is also relevant in Estonia. If and how can the resolution of the Finnish court affect how the activities of couriers would be qualified according to Estonian law?
Lithuania Staying Ahead of the Curve: A Buzz Interview with Lina Siksniute-Vaitiekuniene of Ilaw Lextal
Lithuania is looking at a hectic year, with three scheduled elections: presidential, parliamentary, and EU parliamentary, according to Ilaw Lextal Partner Lina Siksniute-Vaitiekuniene, while also celebrating the 20-year Anniversary of its entry into the EU and NATO.
The Corner Office: Budget, Budget, Budget
In The Corner Office, we ask Managing Partners at law firms across Central and Eastern Europe about their backgrounds, strategies, and responsibilities. With 2023 marching to an end, we looked ahead and asked about strategies for next year: As the budgeting period is around the corner, compared to 2023, what are the main budgeting lines you expect to increase for 2024 and why?
Lextal Advises Ready Player Me on Partnership Agreements with Warner, Universal, Angry Birds, McLaren Racing, and The Voice
Lextal has advised Estonian metaverse avatar platform company Ready Player Me on signing partnership agreements with the Warner Music Group, the Universal Music Group's Bravado, Rovio’s Angry Birds, McLaren Racing, and the operator of ITV’s The Voice, among others, allowing users to buy new virtual items for their avatars.
Lithuania: Flexibility and Nuances in the Labor Code
In today’s fast-evolving world, countries are continuously revising their labor laws to achieve the right balance between the needs of the workforce and the demands of the corporate sector. The Republic of Lithuania stands out in this regard, as its Labor Code seeks to provide flexibility in labor relations, all the while ensuring the rights of its employees are not undermined. A close examination of the Labor Code, local documentation practices, and the progressive legal shifts toward Western norms paints a comprehensive picture of the nation’s approach to employment dynamics.
Kinstellar Advises Jacquet Metals on Acquisition of Several Companies from Swiss Steel Group
Kinstellar, working with Veil Jourde, has advised Jacquet Metals on its acquisition of several distribution companies from the Swiss Steel Group. Niederer Kraft Frey and Roedl & Partner reportedly advised the Swiss Steel Group.
Changes in Value-Added Tax (VAT) and When Can the 20% Rate Continue to be Applied?
From January 1, 2024, the general VAT rate will increase from 20 percent to 22 percent.
Marketing Emails with Consent or Without Consent – Legitimate or Unlawful Sales Tactics?
Sending marketing emails is an excellent way to increase sales. Those who don’t make sales don’t do business. However, a question arises as to whether this complies with strict data protection rules. It is known that the Data Protection Inspectorate is increasingly vigilant and imposes hefty fines for violations.
Real Estate Insurance – Five Overlooked Nuances
Most people clearly understand the need for insurance when renting or owning real estate. However, a common problem is knowing what to consider when insuring and what to look for or remember regarding insurance policy conditions when it has been signed and damage occurs. I’ll highlight five essential nuances often overlooked by companies and individuals when insuring their rented or personal real estate, drawing from my more than 25 years of experience in insurance law.
Lithuania: AI Act. When?
More than two years ago, in April 2021, the European Commission presented its long-awaited proposal to regulate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Europe. AI is a rapidly developing group of technologies. Today, there is little doubt that these technologies have the potential to bring (and are already bringing) enormous economic and societal benefits across a wide range of industries and social activities. However, in the absence of legal regulation, these technologies can also be abused, with particularly severe consequences for both individuals and society.
Inga Neniske, Egle Visinskiene, Ramune Saikuviene, and Neringa Gylyte Make Associate Partner at Ilaw Lextal
Lithuania's Ilaw Lextal has announced the promotion of four of its Attorneys to Associate Partner positions – Inga Neniske, Egle Visinskiene, Ramune Saikuviene, and Neringa Gylyte – effective September 2023.
Cobalt Advises BaltCap and Draugiem Capital on Pepi Rer Majority Stake Acquisition
Cobalt has advised the BaltCap Private Equity Fund III and investment company Draugiem Capital on their acquisition of a majority stake in Latvia-based multi-sector production company Pepi Rer. RER Lextal reportedly advised Pepi Rer.
Lithuania: The Creditor’s Guide to Security Instruments
The due performance of obligations in Lithuania may be secured by various security instruments. Pledge, mortgage, and financial collaterals all create a right in rem for the creditor, i.e., such a security, upon due perfection, becomes enforceable against third parties and withstands bankruptcy, reorganization, and similar procedures of the security provider. Other types of collateral, such as default interest, surety, guarantee, deposits, and other instruments agreed by the parties terminate immediately upon bankruptcy, reorganization, or similar procedures of the security provider.
Lextal Advises Blocktrade on BTEX Token Launch
Lextal has advised digital asset platform Blocktrade on the launch of its new BTEX token which raised over EUR 5 million to date.