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Legal Monitoring Report for the period of 01 April 2024 - 14 May 2024

Legal Monitoring Report for the period of 01 April 2024 - 14 May 2024

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This legislative monitoring report covers the introduction of new rules regulating public procurement in international relations, the adoption of the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and EFTA member states, the introduction of new rules regulating trademarks from 2027, the adoption of the regulation on audiovisual content. The document also provides for the approval of the regulation on the environmental management of mercury waste, the adoption of the law on hunting and the protection of game resources, the implementation of the national programme for the development of creative industries "Creative Moldova" for the years 2024-2027, as well as the optimisation of the use of industrial parks. 

I. Commercial and Corporate


- Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and EFTA Member States

The agreement establishes a free trade area, based on trade relations between market economies and respect for democratic principles and human rights. Its objective is to foster prosperity and sustainable development.

- Introduction of New Rules on Government Procurement in International Relations

The draft law provides for the introduction of the concept of "state treaty" into the existing legislation. This term refers to agreements negoatiated by the competent body on behalf of the state, such as the government, ministries, other central administrative authorities or other authorised state institutions, with other state, government, international organisation or foreign financial institutions not governed by public international law. These agreements may cover economic, commercial, financial and other fields and which are not governed by public international law.

II. Intellectual Property


- New Trademark Regulations from 2027

The normative act stipulates that new regulations on individual, collective and certification marks – whether pending registration or application in the Republic of Moldova, or as part of an international registration effective in the Republic of Moldova - will enter into force in 2027.

III. Consumer Law


- Adoption of the Regulation on Audiovisual Content

The document serves as the secondary regulatory framework to ensure the implementation of the provisions of the Code of Audiovisual Media Services of the Republic of Moldova. Its objective is to guarantee the delivery of pluralistic and accurate information to the public in a responsible manner to the public through linear and non-linear audiovisual media services, including video sharing platform services.

The Regulation outlines rules applicable to media service providers, distributors and video sharing platform service providers.

IV. Environment


- Approval of the Regulation on the Environmentally Sound Management of Mercury Waste

The document sets out requirements for the environmentally responsible management of mercury waste. It aims to ensure traceability throughout the mercury waste management chain and to provide a high level of protection of human health and the environment.

- Adoption of the Law on Hunting and Protection of the Hunting Grounds

The document sets out the legal framework for the sustainable development, protection, conservation and rational use of wildlife of hunting interest. It outlines the rights of individuals to hunt and aims to regulate activities related to the management and administration of the national game fund. Additionally, the law seeks to ensure biodiversity and environmental protection.

V. Digitalization


- Implementation of the National Program for the Development of Creative Industries 'Creative Moldova' for the years 2024-2027.

The document sets forth a four-year public policy programme „Moldova Creativă” (English: „Creative Moldova”) which aims to provide an integrated, predictable and visionary approach to the development of the nation's creative industries. The program focuses on the intelligent and sustainable exploitation of Moldova's creative potential by creating a favourable and comprehensive environment for the development of a competitive and sustainable creative industries sector.

Draft law(s):

- Optimising the Utilisation of Industrial Parks

The draft law proposes enhacements to the existing legislation on industrial parks, aimed at attracting and fostering investments to establish technologically advanced, efficient and competitive industrial sectors based on innovative, green and creative technologies.

The document introduces three distinct types of industrial parks and outlines new provisions regarding their establishment.

By Domnica Bejan, Junior Associate, and Laurentiu Racu, Legal Assistant