Sadik & Capan has advised Cotcast on an investment round that saw the participation of DCT Trading and angel investors.
Brandl Talos, Herbst Kinsky, and Schoenherr Advise on Graph Therapeutics' USD 3.1 Million Pre-Seed Financing Round
Brandl Talos has advised Graph Therapeutics on a USD 3.1 million pre-seed financing round led by Squareone and Merantix Capital, with participation from NAVEC Investment Management and angel investors, including the Atomico Angel Program. Herbst Kinsky advised NAVEC. Schoenherr advised Squareone. Fladgate reportedly advised the Atomico Angel Program.
How to Avoid Becoming a Data Controller
Conducting legal due diligence on the target company is standard practice before completinga transaction. Even today, eight years after the GDPR came into effect, some companies still fail to implement basic data protection principles in their internal policies or in their relationships with business partners and suppliers. Some even claim not to process any personal data at all.
TGS Baltic Advises on Latvian Radio and Latvian Television Merger into Unified Latvian Public Media
TGS Baltic has advised the Latvian Electronic Public Media Council on the merger of Latvian Radio and Latvian Television creating a single national public media entity known as Latvian Public Media.
KSB Advises Bakalari Software on Educleus Group Changes
Kocian, Solc, Balastik has advised Bakalari Software on changes within the Educleus Group following Vanda Seidelova’s sale of a stake in it.
Dentons Advises on Sale of Photoneo to Zebra Technologies
Dentons has advised Photoneo on the sale of its business to the Chicago-based Zebra Technologies. A&O Shearman's London office reportedly advised Zebra.
Ukraine Introduces Corporate Criminal Liability for Bribery of Foreign Officials
On 26 December 2024, the Law “On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, and Other Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Improve Mechanisms for Holding Legal Entities Accountable for Bribery of Foreign Officials” No. 4111-IX entered into force. It is meant to implement the OECD Council’s Recommendation on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.