Former Compensa Life Vienna Insurance Group Chief Legal and Compliance Officer in Lithuania Gabija Kuncyte has been appointed as the company's Head of Legal Baltics, effective April 1, 2024.
Did You Know: Q1 Leaderboards and DOTY Awards
Did you know that the CEE Q1 leaderboards are available through the Activity Rankings function of the CEELMDirect website?
Mindaugas Vaiciunas Joins Ilaw Lextal
Family law specialist Mindaugas Vaiciunas has joined Ilaw Lextal as an Associate Partner.
Ellex Advises on Capitalica Z114 Real Estate Fund Prospectus for EUR 20 Million Bond Offering
Ellex has advised issuer Capitalica Z114 Real Estate Fund on the preparation and approval process with the Bank of Lithuania for the prospectus underpinning its EUR 20 million bond issuance, with up to EUR 17.6 million in bonds secured with a real estate collateral to be publicly offered in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
Looking In: Interview with Jonathan Marks and Richard Jones of Slaughter and May
In our Looking In series, we talk to Partners from outside CEE who are keeping an eye on the region (and often pop up in our deal ticker) to learn how they perceive CEE markets and their evolution. For this issue, we sat down with Slaughter and May Partners Jonathan Marks and Richard Jones.
TGS Baltic Advises Kinnevik on Sale of Tele2 Stake to Freya Investissement
TGS Baltic, working with Cederquist, has advised Kinnevik on the sale of its entire holding in Tele2 to Freya Investissement for a total of SEK 13 billion.
Solveiga Vilcinskaite Paleviciene Joins TGS Baltic as Partner
Former Glimstedt Managing Partner Solveiga Vilcinskaite Paleviciene has joined TGS Baltic as a Partner.
Cobalt and PwC Legal Advise on Sale of Granulita to Zalvaris
Cobalt has advised the owners of Lithuanian wood pellet manufacturer Granulita on the sale of the company to Zalvaris. PwC Legal advised the buyers.
Lithuania Staying Ahead of the Curve: A Buzz Interview with Lina Siksniute-Vaitiekuniene of Ilaw Lextal
Lithuania is looking at a hectic year, with three scheduled elections: presidential, parliamentary, and EU parliamentary, according to Ilaw Lextal Partner Lina Siksniute-Vaitiekuniene, while also celebrating the 20-year Anniversary of its entry into the EU and NATO.
TGS Baltic, DGKV, and RASK Advise on Ifco Systems' Acquisition of Bepco
TGS Baltic and Djingov Gouginski Kyutchukov & Velichkov have advised Ifco Systems on its acquisition of Bepco. RASK advised Rostock Capital, Navitas, and Green Technology on the sale.
Motieka Successful for Srbijagas Before Lithuanian Supreme Court on Enforcement of Arbitral Awards
Motieka & Audzevicius has successfully represented Srbijagas before the Lithuanian Supreme Court in a dispute regarding the recognition and enforcement of ICC arbitral awards against a non-signatory to the arbitration agreement.
TGS Baltic Advises Mitsubishi on Acquisition of 20% Stake in European Energy
TGS Baltic, working with Baker McKenzie and Accura, has advised Mitsubishi on its acquisition of a 20% stake in Denmark-based European Energy through a EUR 700 million investment.
TGS Baltic Advises on EIB and Siauliu Bankas Agreement for New EUR 200 Million Renovation Fund
TGS Baltic has advised the European Investment Bank on its agreement with Siauliu Bankas to set up and manage a second, EUR 200 million, apartment building renovation fund in Lithuania.
Dentons Advises Republic of Lithuania on EUR 1.5 Billion Bond Issuance
Dentons and, reportedly, TGS Baltic have advised the Republic of Lithuania on updating its Euro Medium Term Note Program and successfully issuing EUR 1.5 billion in 3.5% notes due 2034. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and Sorainen reportedly advised the underwriters.
Ellex Advises Hollister Incorporated on Expansion in Lithuania
Ellex has advised Hollister Incorporated on launching a new shared services center in the Kaunas Free Economic Zone, in Lithuania.
Walless Advises Med Grupe on Sale of Distribution Business to Straumann
Walless has advised the Med Grupe shareholders on the sale of their pan-Baltic dental equipment distribution business to Straumann. Sorainen reportedly advised the Straumann Group.
Adon Legal Advises City Service on EUR 18.9 Million Loan from Swedbank
Adon Legal has advised facility and property management holding City Service on securing an EUR 18.9 million financing from Swedbank.
Marius Dobilas and Renata Jatuzyte-Muleviciene Make Partner at Walless
Lithuania's Marius Dobilas and Renata Jatuzyte-Muleviciene have been appointed as Partners at Walless.