Walless has advised Affidea Lietuva on its acquisition of the Lithuanian business of Synlab Lietuva. Cobalt, working with CMS' office in Germany, advised the sellers.
TGS Baltic Advises Siauliu Bankas on EUR 300 Million Notes Issuance
TGS Baltic, working with Dentons, has advised Siauliu Bankas on a EUR 300 million issuance of 4.25-year senior preferred fixed-rate reset notes. Linklaters and Sorainen reportedly advised the arrangers.
TGS Baltic Advises on Sale of UNA Retail Park to EfTEN
TGS Baltic has advised a shareholder of UNA retail park on the sale of shares to EfTEN.
TGS Baltic Advises Delamode Baltics on Funding From ACP Credit
TGS Baltic has advised Delamode Baltics on funding from ACP Credit.
Cobalt Advises Aquila Clean Energy on EUR 125 Million Green Loan for Development of Windfarm Akmene Two
Cobalt has advised Aquila Clean Energy-managed project company Windfarm Akmene Two on securing a EUR 125 million green loan from SEB Bank.
TGS Baltic Advises Unmanned Defense Systems on EUR 3.2 Million Investment
TGS Baltic has advised Unmanned Defense Systems on a EUR 3.2 million investment from Coinvest Capital, business angel syndicate 2NGLS, and other accredited investors.
Walless Advises Scandi Standard on Entering Lithuanian Market
Walless has advised Scandi Standard on entering the Lithuanian market via the acquisition of a poultry processing facility and poultry production farms.
Deloitte Legal Advises Gintaras Dapkus on Sale of i-Dental to Ultradent Products
Deloitte Legal has advised Medicinos Linija founder Gintaras Dapkus on the sale of i-Dental to Ultradent Products.
Latest Aviation Trends and General Overview of Aviation Regulation in Lithuania
Although Lithuania no longer has a national airline, charter companies are popular in the market, especially during holiday periods. Although the Lithuanian aviation industry was heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, no charter company has gone bankrupt. In fact, just recently in spring 2024, one charter company undergoing restructuring finished restructuring procedures earlier than planned and successfully continues its operations from Lithuania.
The Corner Office: Onboarding Clients
In The Corner Office, we ask Managing Partners at law firms across Central and Eastern Europe about their backgrounds, strategies, and responsibilities. With managing firm clients being a critical aspect of firms’ operations, we asked: What are the three most important elements when onboarding a new client?
Walless Advises on Establishment of Eika Co-Living Fund
Walless has advised Eika Asset Management on the establishment of the Eika Co-Living fund.
Ellex Advises Ergo International on Acquisition of ADB Gjensidige
Ellex has advised Ergo International on the acquisition of ADB Gjensidige from Gjensidige Forsikring ASA.
TGS Baltic Advises AB Agathum on EUR 2 Million Bond Issuance
TGS Baltic has advised AB Agathum on its EUR 2 million bond issuance and listing on the Nasdaq Vilnius Baltic First North market in Lithuania and Latvia.
Cobalt Advises BaltCap on Investment in Fitekin and Onea
Cobalt has advised BaltCap on its investment in Fitekin and Onea software platforms of the Unifiedpost Group.
TGS Baltic Advises Civinity on Bond Issuance
TGS Baltic has advised Civinity on a private placement of an issue of bonds with a nominal value of EUR 5.7 million.
Lithuania: Capital Market of the Baltic States and the Trends – A Q1 Outlook
The Baltic region, comprising Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, boasts an emerging public capital market facilitated by the unified securities trading platform – the Nasdaq Baltic Stock Exchange.
Dentons Advises the Republic of Lithuania on EUR 1 Billion Bond Issuance
Dentons has advised the Republic of Lithuania on its EUR 1 billion bond issuance. Reportedly, TGS Baltic advised the Republic of Lithuania as well while Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and Sorainen advised the underwriters.
How Can Legal Design Make Private Policies More Effective?
Articles 13 and 14, along with other provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR), require businesses to provide individuals with comprehensive information about the processing of their personal data.