Our team achieved significant success defending a client before the Supreme Court of Cassation (SCC) in an employment dispute related to the amount of remuneration in the event of reduced working hours established by the employer in the event of a declared state of emergency or emergency epidemic situation (Article 138a, para. 2 of the Labour Code).
New Obligations for Romanian Employers Regarding the Hiring of Persons with Disabilities
A new regulation, in force from January 28, 2025 establishes additional obligations and reporting requirements on Romanian companies with 50 or more employees in respect of hiring disabled people.
Telematic Interactive’s Employee Empowerment Strategy
As the first publicly listed Bulgarian company in the gaming industry, Telematic Interactive Bulgaria has set its sights on aligning employee engagement with corporate growth through an ambitious Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). Being part of the team that advised Telematic on this project, in this article, I’ll provide a detailed look at the motivations behind this decision, the structure of the ESOP, and the intricate legal challenges faced during its implementation.
Remote Work – A Legal and Practical Analysis for Romania in 2025
Remote work has transformed from an emergency measure during the pandemic into a mainstream practice, with profound implications for Romania's employment landscape. However, the legal and practical challenges associated with remote work continue to evolve, requiring employers to stay agile and informed.
Updates on Eligible Countries for Guest Workers in Hungary
Hungary introduced new regulations for employing guest workers from third countries. These updates specify eligible countries and permit requirements to align with Hungary’s labour market needs and compliance standards.
Havel & Partners Advises Luigi’s Box Founders on Employee Stock Ownership Plan Setup
Havel & Partners has advised the founders of Luigi’s Box on establishing an employee stock ownership plan.
Fazilet Karabacaklar and Sezen Yilmaz Make Partner at Egemenoglu
Egemenoglu has promoted Fazilet Karabacaklar and Sezen Yilmaz Promoted to Partners.